Meet Drama, Victim and Spite, three long time friends on life's dark path. Drama cannot live without the illusions of rejection, victory, fame, isolation and all of the other high profile emotions. She needs to surround herself with the variables most likely to provide the appropriate levels of such renowned emotions. These variables could be anything,
from complicated people, high maintenance animals, eye catching vehicles, destructive hair products to unique homes, etc. Most of these choices will come together to interact with each other in such intense, emotion causing ways. This is the atmosphere that Drama needs in order to thrive. This atmosphere helps her to feel alive. For so many reasons that are unique and subjective, she needs confirmation in the capacity that most comforts her that she is here. As with many personality types Drama does not know her name, why she is called by that name or the actions she performs to maintain it. The fixation required to be Drama and control her world places a wall sturdily in front of Awareness...a friend she will never make. Unconscious prays upon her because she is so easily fooled, being so diverted by performing her ups and downs. Unconscious is a dark villain, playing tricks everywhere, whenever he can. He is especially fond of Drama because she is so easily tricked.
from complicated people, high maintenance animals, eye catching vehicles, destructive hair products to unique homes, etc. Most of these choices will come together to interact with each other in such intense, emotion causing ways. This is the atmosphere that Drama needs in order to thrive. This atmosphere helps her to feel alive. For so many reasons that are unique and subjective, she needs confirmation in the capacity that most comforts her that she is here. As with many personality types Drama does not know her name, why she is called by that name or the actions she performs to maintain it. The fixation required to be Drama and control her world places a wall sturdily in front of Awareness...a friend she will never make. Unconscious prays upon her because she is so easily fooled, being so diverted by performing her ups and downs. Unconscious is a dark villain, playing tricks everywhere, whenever he can. He is especially fond of Drama because she is so easily tricked.
Drama's friend Victim, on the other hand, needs not be reminded that she lives. She is painfully aware of her existence. All of Victim's focus falls on survival. She collects shields on the battle field to defend her existence in the form of food, clothing, money, name it, she will collect it. These shields seem to her to help rebound the impending doom that is lurking just around the corner. Much like Drama, Victim is diverted with her shields while Unconscious gathers trauma and catastrophe to throw in her path...poor unsuspecting Victim. Unlike Drama, Victim has, however, accumulated some bravery through her suffering and has been known to visit her friend Awareness to devise plans to conquer Unconscious. They have chats and unveil many truths together, Victim and Awareness.
The third friend, Spite, is a feisty one. She feels she has been dealt a dirty hand. Many disheartening events has Spite witnessed over time. Spite trusted the choices of others instead of her own. Obeyed when she was directed in the wrong direction. Spite didn't trust herself so she followed blindly, so afraid to be left alone. She was lead in a painful direction and now she is on a rampage. So focused on avenging herself she becomes as diverted as Drama and Victim while Unconscious pokes her in the nose and watches her cut it off. She is waving her machete at everything that Unconscious flings at her all the while luring her onto the same dark path to which he lured Drama and Victim. She has chopped many a foe on this path. Narcissus, Controlling and Anger met their fate there. unfortunately Unconscious has also thrown the odd friend into the range of the swinging machete. Compassion, Support and Sharing were also left in the ditch. In the end Spite finds herself locked onto that dark path, rocketing toward nothingness, but now she is alone, having killed all who attempted to follow her.
Luckily Awareness is too smart for Unconscious and has never stepped into the path of the machete. So, together with Victim, Spite pays frequent visits to Awareness. She is wise and fun. Oh...they have such fun together, the three. They poke fun at themselves and drop their serious face for a moment and laugh at how silly they were each time Unconscious tricked them. They even howled one night as they watched Unconscious slap a “kick me” sign on Drama's back. Poor Drama gets lonely sometimes because Victim and Spite have so much fun without her. Drama has been invited to the parties with Awareness but she doesn't come because she doesn't believe Awareness or Unconscious truly exist, but she has many other friends to keep her occupied so she runs off with them to share her feelings of inadequacy that she loves so much like a juicy snack on a dry, hot afternoon.
Together Spite and Victim dream of walking the light path where only the good names are allowed, names like Contentment, Rewarding, Charity and that crowd. You see, all of the bad names have to stay on the dark path. Spite and Victim have acquired the official name change applications that would secure their place on the light path if, they could indeed qualify for the names changes. Awareness tries to help them with name change applications quite often after a night of laughter, but it always comes to the same obstacle. There is a security code that must be entered on the application and so far not one of them has found where to look for the security code. Awareness does not have experience in this area because she has always been Awareness and never had to fill out the name change application. Awareness longs to have Spite and Victim join her and her other friends on the light path so she spends many hours helping them search for the security code to finish the name change application. I'll bet that villainous creature Unconscious is hiding it.
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