April Wine is a freelance Creative Writer interested in Freelance Jobs.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Life is a journey, not a destination

We all seem to live with a goal in mind. Some are big goals, some are little goals, whichever drives you I know you will have to admit that there is always a destination in sight. "When I'm older I will do things my way and life will be great, when I graduate high school I will have the freedom to pursue what I choose and life will be great, when I get that ideal job, life will be great, when the kids are more independent, life will be great, if I could just get that promotion, life will be great, When I retire, we can travel and do whatever and life will be great". Sound familiar? We all think that once we accomplish the next goal we will have arrived. We seem to move this way continually throughout our lives, never learning that we never get there. Every accomplishment seems to attach itself to a new destination.

Now, I'm not implying that goals are not good to have and of course one action leads into the next , but like everything in life , there needs to be balance to feel contentment. If we are looking too much into the future, no matter how far, we are not spending enough time in the present in order to reap the full benefits of our experiences. Some of us can go on Holiday and really take in the experience, feeling all of the discoveries and rejuvenation as it comes, reflecting on the impact, and some of us run from one sight to the next as if it is the great race...Grand Canyon, check...Mount Rushmore, check...Eiffel Tower, check. We do the same in our rat race life, meet your goals at work, come home and make dinner, get the kids to practise, set the alarm and go to bed to do it all the again the next day. The sad thing about this is the sight is always set on the next task. Can you even remember what you made for dinner last Wednesday?
We are all going to lie on our deathbeds, if we are lucky enough to have that opportunity, and say to ourselves "wait...I missed that...what happened?" Can you imagine being involved in a test that you meticulously perform with the perfect pencil and the neatest writing, inserting precisely correct answers only to find out at the end of the test that is being judged on the multitude of colours you used to answer the questions...woops.
Here is a great tool to help you balance. Write out your life plan if you wish to have one, even if it's take life as it comes no matter what, or plan for the closer future and put it aside. Take time several times a day to sit with yourself and feel your feelings, count your breaths or heartbeats, this puts you in the present. Think about what you are going to do today to work toward that goal, only today. Do one thing every day that brings you toward that goal. Revise that goal as often as you think of changes, because we change and grow as time goes on and our goals may too, but put it aside, don't spend time in the future. Every day that you think about that goal and do one thing toward it will bring opportunities to add a step in your desired journey. All you have to do is open your mind, read the signs along the way and pay attenion to the journey Bon voyage!

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